Topic Experts

Topic Expertise

Strategic Marketing
Supply Chain Management
Technology Trends
Import/Export Compliance
International Standards
Quality Management
Economic Development
The Arts and Tourism

Information Technology
International Standards
Global Knowlege Production Team
Fundraising and Development

Supply Chain Management
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Testing and Certification

International Investments
Import / Export Compliance
Technology / Supply Chain Communication

Amy Zuckerman is founding principal of both Technology Communication Group
and Global Knowledge Productions. She and her staff at AIZ Marketing
Associates work closely with the following highly-respected experts:

Information Technology

John Kelly's specialty is designing and facilitating strategic decision making meetings that help management teams identify and align with their best strategic options.  He has extensive experience as a designer of interactive materials and leader training workshops.  John was the lead developer and facilitator of Future Mapping training for all new hires in a strategy practice and supervised training of co-facilitators among its strategic partners.

David Washburn, the founder and principal consultant for Amherst Information Architects, Inc., is an international consultant and speaker with twenty years' experience designing information systems and directing the development of end-user computing. He has provided consulting services in the strategic use of information, software application design, and end-user computing for organizations including: Aventis Pharma, Ætna Insurance Co., Core States Bank, NCR Corporation, the Harvard Institute for International Development, Farm Credit Bank, Sikorsky Aircraft Company, the Prime Minister Office of Brunei, the U. S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Educational Development Center (EDC), Yale Center for International and Area Studies, Mystic Seaport Museum, UNISYS, and the Cantonal Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland. Services include project design and development, application architecture and design, tool selection, meeting facilitation, and seminars on manage and technology.

Scott Bradner has been involved in the design, operation and use of data networks at Harvard University since the early days of the ARPANET. He was involved in the design of the Harvard High-Speed Data Network (HSDN), the Longwood Medical Area network (LMAnet) and NEARNET. He was founding chair of the technical committees of LMAnet, NEARNET and CoREN Mr. Bradner is the co-director of the Transport Area in the IETF, is a member of the IESG, and until June 1999 was an elected trustee of the Internet Society where he still serves as the Vice President for Standards. He was also codirector of the IETF IP next generation effort and is coeditor of "IPng: Internet Protocol Next Generation" from Addison-Wesley and is member of the Wiley Network Council. Mr. Bradner is a senior technical consultant at the Harvard Office of the Provost, where he provides technical advice and guidance on issues relating to the Harvard data networks and new technologies. He founded the Harvard Network Device Test Lab, is a frequent speaker at technical conferences, a weekly columnist for Network World, an instructor for Interop, and does a bit of independent consulting on the side.

Peter H. Jones, Ph.D. is an innovation management consultant with Atos Origin and principal of Research Redesign. Dr. Jones engages large organizations and start-ups in developing innovative software products and innovation practices. Author of Handbook of Team Design (1998), he conducts workshops and publishes research on product innovation, design management, and organizational strategy. Dr. Jones teaches graduate courses and seminars in human-computer interaction and usability, and focuses current research on tacit knowledge and organizational factors in software product innovation. He can be reached at, and through

Rikki Lee runs the editorial consulting firm Wirelesslee. She has 15 years' experience as a writer and editor in telecommunications publishing. Her most recent position was as the editor of leading wireless industry publication Wireless Week. She is considered one of the wireless industry's most knowledgeable writers. Considered an expert source by the major news media, she has appeared on CNBC, National Public Radio's "All Things Considered" and on local radio stations. Her comments have appeared in the international edition of Newsweek and major daily newspapers, from The New York Times and Atlanta Journal-Constitution to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel and The Oregonian. "The Spectrum Bug," her widely praised Web novel of the wireless future, is available for reading online or printing free of charge (at

 International Standards

Henry Line is the Industry Liaison for the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM). He is former Vice President of Global Product Standards and Director of Global Product Standards for Amp Inc. where he worked for over 20 years. While at AMP he transformed the Global Product Standards Department into a global strategic resource that has been considered "best-in-class" by national studies. One of the most highly respected standards experts in the world, he has served as vice chairman of the American National Standards Institution (ANSI) and been an active member of its Company Member Council Executive Committee.

Rich Forselius is Manager - Engineering Records/Standards, Procedures at Hamilton Standard division of United Technologies Corporation (UTC). Rich also serves as Chairman of the UTC Strategic Standardization Management Council, promoting UTC's interests and coordinating UTC's representation in standardization activities world-wide.

George Willingmyre is principal of GTW Associates, a Washington,D.C.-based standards consultancy that provides both information and strategic advice to major corporations such as Microsoft. George is the former vice president of the American National Standards Institute's (ANSI) Washington office.

John Pace is Vice President, Standards Contracts at Information Handling Services (IHS). His responsibilities include focusing specifically on the standards negotiations and contracts for both domestic and international for IHS Engineering and Global Engineering Documents. He also coordinates activities with government agencies in Washington, DC.

Global Knowlege Productions Team

Anthony Vlamis is the author of the recently released Business the YAHOO! Way (Capstone 2000) and has over 25 years experience in business, professional, technical, and reference book publishing at Simon & Shuster, Prentice-Hall, AMACOM Books, and Van Nostrand Reinhold. As co-founder of Alexander Publishing he edited and marketed the newsletter Secrets & Strategies for Office Professionals. As a packager and literary agent, he provides customized business and technology information products for clients in commerce, industry, and association environments. He is the author of Office Professionals’ Desk Reference (Macmillan) and Smart Leadership published by the American Management Association. He can be reached at

Jerry Bowles is a New York-based writer who specialized in technology and business. His special reports on electronic business, supply chain management, best practices, the Internet and other topics appear frequently in “FORTUNE” and “Newsweek.” He is co-author of Beyond Quality: New Standards of Total Performance That Can Change the Future of Corporate America. (G.P. Putnam; 1991; Berkley Business, 1992). This is the first book to suggest that quality alone is not enough to sustain competitive advantage. Jerry created and edited award-winning corporate magazines for Peat Marwick (World), Ernst & Young (Viewpoint), and the American Quality Foundation (The Quality Review).

Hal Buell was director of the Associated Press photo department for 25 years. Hal helped bring digital photography to the AP and the news world. He is also responsible for the design of the AP’s computerized photo archives. Now retired from the AP, he works in a consulting capacity for PR business Wire and other clients.

Stewart Cheifet is president and CEO of SCP, Inc., a company involved in the creation, distribution and sale of technology related programming for television, video, radio, and the Internet. He is the producer of two weekly series for PBS – “Computer Chronicles” and “Internet Café.” These programs are also carried internationally by NBC and USIA. Stewart counts major Silicon Valley companies among his clients for corporate video work.

 Supply Chain Management

James Morgan is Editorial Director Emeritus of "Purchasing Magazine." In 1958, he began his career as a business editor at Purchasing Week magazine and eventually became editor-in-chief. In 1979 he was hired by "Purchasing Magazine" and was later named editorial director and vice-president. Jim has written extensively in the areas of purchasing management, purchasing strategies, market analysis, and other topics that are now considered the supply chain. He is most recently author of The Systems Purchasing Breakthrough.

Kevin Fitzgerald is the editor of Supply Strategy. Prior to that, he was Editor-in-Chief of "CPI Purchasing Magazine," and had held various editorial positions at "Plastics World" magazine, "Modern Materials Handling," and "Design News," all magazines of Cahners Business Information, Newton, Mass.

Fundraising and Development

Polly Pruneau, a seasoned development professional with more than 15 years experience in non-profit, corporate and academic venues, is the principal of Emerging Light Enterprises. She is a researcher and grants writer with successes on both regional and national levels. Polly creates collateral and strategizes for capital campaigns, planned giving, annual fund and major gifts, and develops and implements stewardship programs. She helped position a major community foundation to be more effective. Polly has additional experience in video, running special events, public relations, community relations, health care educational program development, and marketing collateral including direct mail and business-to-business. She has extensive journalism experience writing for a daily newspaper and being editor of a corporate newsletter which she transitioned to the Web.

Lewis C. Rudolph is a visionary business strategist and community building practitioner with United Ways and other non- profit organizations in the United States. Mr. Rudolph has a keen interest in exploring the dynamic intersection of building social capital and promoting economic development with emerging entrepreneurial networks and Internet-based affinity groups such as the Hidden Tech organization headquartered in western Massachusetts.

He served as CEO of three United Ways in  Maine, Minnesota, and Massachusetts, and senior planner in United Way Community Services in Metropolitan Detroit. Mr. Rudolph was vice president of community building at United Way of America (UWA) in Alexandria, VA, where he developed a two-year, community-building fellowship program for top leaders of 22 of the largest United Ways at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. At UWA, Mr. Rudolph led his team to develop Compass 2.0, a community assessment manual that fuses the use of geographic mapping indicators of with capacity-building approaches. Earlier in his career,  Mr. Rudolph put his community organizing and group facilitation skills to the test in the aftermath of the Detroit Riots, working with the late Fr. William Cunningham and Eleanor Josaitis at Focus:HOPE, the nation's largest civil rights organization. One of his school community projects was recognized by President Jimmy Carter as a model of multicultural conflict resolution, reminiscent of the Camp David Accords.

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

Gary Carver has been a scientist and manager at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), where began by developing test methods for evaluating semiconductor materials. Gary gradually transitioned to technical management and ultimately became the scientific advisor to the director of the Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory at NIST. For three years while he was at NIST, Gary ran the Federal Government's Metric Program under the auspices of the Secretary of Commerce. After leaving NIST in 1998, Gary joined the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) as manager of the JPL Intelligent Transportation Systems Standards Program. He is also an advisor to the U.S. Metric Association.

Lee Armstrong, President of Armstrong Consulting, Inc., has 30 years of systems engineering and systems integration experience with an educational background including mechanical, electrical, and computer science engineering. Specific systems have included: Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS); vehicle electronic control systems integration; maintenance support systems; integrated diagnostic systems; test and diagnostic equipment; prognostics and heavy duty diesel engines. ITS and vehicle electronic control systems activities have dealt with defining systems architectures, developing national and international standards required to support the transportation industries, and top level design and analysis of specific systems.

Rick Weiland is former Vice President of Strategic Development for Navigation Technologies. He now consults throughout the ITS industry in new venture development, product planning, strategic marketing, and research. In addition, Rick is recognized worldwide as an expert in the creation and execution of ITS standards programs. He is chair of ITS America's Council of Standards Organizations, of the Society of Automotive Engineers' ITS Standards Division, and of the ITS Committee of the Transportation Research Board (National Academy of Science).

 Testing and Certification

Lane Hallenbeck is now Vice President of Conformity Assessment at the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). As president from 1997 to 1999 of the Independent Association of Accredited Registrars (IAAR), and an original founding member in 1993, he has represented this trade association internationally in working management system certification issues with all stakeholders. This included being a member of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the Registrar Accreditation Board (RAB) Board of Directors.

Reg Blake is Vice President of Corporate Development at BSI after serving as the appointed Director and Manager of the USA Representational office from 1992 to 1998. He started at BSI in the Technical Help to Exporters Division responsible for Electromedical and Information Technology sectors, and then moved to Epson (UK) Ltd. as Quality Assurance and Product Safety Approvals Manager, returning to BSI as Quality Assurance Manager, Business Development. He is also a Director on the Board of the Independent Association of Accredited Registrars (IAAR) and holds the Chair of the Membership and Bylaws Committee. He also represents the IAAR and BSI on the American Aerospace Quality Group (AAQG) and the QuEST Forum for the development of TL 9000 for the Telecommunications Industry.

Al Weinstein is principal of Weinstein Associates in Brunswick, ME., a firm specializing in product safety matters that include product liability prevention, products liability legal support, and assisting companies in complying with European directives and standards relating to the CE Mark. Al, a noted product liability specialist, helps companies conduct risk assessments, identify applicable laws and standards, and advise on equipment design, labeling, and documentation necessary to market reasonably safe products.

International Investments

Randy Bernard is a freelance writer and editor who specializes in translating complex financial topics into terms that the average investor can understand. A former editor of Aspen Magazine" in Aspen, Colorado, he writes and edits the shareholder newsletter for a family of socially responsible mutual funds, writes and edits content for the fund family's Web site, and writes executive correspondence for the family's annual reports.

 Import / Export Compliance

Fritz-Earle & Rosalind McLymont AIZ Marketing Associates maintains a professional alliance in the import/export compliance arena with McLymont, Kunda & Co. Principals Friz-Earle St. Elmo and Rosalind McLymont are two of the most seasoned and respected members of the international trade community.

Fritz is the former director of the Port Authority of New York's export consultancy.

Rosalind brings many years of publication experience in the international trde arena to their team.

Together they manage the trade needs of a wide variety of prominent clients, handling everything from regulations to hands-on import/export of product such as cofee, sneakers and cigars. The company is now based in Jamaica with offices in Maple Valley, N.Y..

Technology / Supply Chain Communication

Hal Buell is director of photo services for PR Business Wire. Formerly, Hal worked at the Associated Press where he ran the photo department for 25 years, served on the AP management board for 12 years and helped introduce advanced technologies. He’s one of the few people who can honestly say he’s successfully run a global communications system.

Frank Heckman has worked with senior executives and leadership teams in the Netherlands and in the U.S. over the past 20 years. The focus of much of that work has been to help them create work processes and cultures that support optimal individual and group performance, effective strategic shifts in their market and to enable them to actively adapt to their changing environment with much less dependence on the use of external advisors and consultants.

Ned Hamson, senior editor of the Journal for Quality and Participation and co-author of After Atlantis: Working, Managing and Leading in Turbulent Times. Ned has worked with all of the leading thinkers and leader of the quality and teamwork worlds over the past 12 years. Well versed in the art of making things run well, Ned focuses much of his efforts on ways to build innovation and élan into the ongoing work of organizations.

Alan Hurwitz is a specialist in change management, collaborative strategic planning, and team and inter-team development. He has over 20 years experience in planning and implementing large-scale organizational change efforts; bringing people together from different work units, cultural or national perspectives; designing and conducting management teams at all levels to create the organizations they really want. He is a co-collaborator with Amy Zuckerman on creating communication training programs to maximize technology use, improve supply chain flow, and further the practice of knowledge management.