Hidden Tech

Ms. Zuckerman founded Hidden Tech in the winter of 2002. The group now has over 600 members, which include everyone from software developers to film producers and others who use technology to drive their small, often-homed based companies. She is director of the Hidden Tech survey, which aims to help define Hidden Tech companies (her buzz word) and will be used to promote the Western Massachusetts region, which is part of the New England's Knowledge Corridor.


Tracking and Leveraging the Hidden Tech Population
to Promote Economic Development and Build Social Capital

By Amy Zuckerman and Mike Levin

Published by
Western Massachusetts Electric Company (2003)

download (304K)

At the Cutting Edge of the Global Internet Economy

Hidden Tech Pilot Study Developer and Project Manager
Amy Zuckerman

Published by
Western Massachusetts Electric Company (2003)

download (55K)


Study developer and project manager:
Amy Zuckerman
Principal, A - Z International Associates

Backers and Advisors: Edgar Alejandro, manager of Economic and Community Development at Western Massachusetts Electric and Mike Levin Chief Policy Specialist for Economic Development at the Hartford, Conn.-based Northeast Utilities

Survey team includes Eric Goldscheider, Phil O'Donoghue, Nancy Shulman, Maria Trombly, Richard Trombly, Taylor Washburn, Paul Ita, and Diane Happe.

Analysis support - Eddy Goldberg

Those surveyed are not anti-growth

Almost 70 percent want to grow their companies. Of that group, about 40 percent want to expand their client base and revenue stream; about 40 percent want to sell additional products, and 30 percent predict dramatic growth in the next five years.

They are very highly connected regionally, nationally and globally

Hidden Tech companies maintain clients in 13 foreign countries - as well as much of Latin America - and on four continents. They have clients in almost half of the United States - 23 states are represented.

They sell a wide variety of products and services -

30 percent develop and sell software products. Of that group, products relating to the Web are most common.

30 percent offer consulting services that relate to software sales, and just under 25 percent are involved in management consulting and strategy both inside and outside the tech industry.

They are actively promoting research and development

Just over 50 percent of the survey are involved in some form of R & D. Once again, Web research is the most common.

They bring dollars into the region and spend it locally

Revenues/and or earnings of $10.7 million generate tax money for Valley cities and towns (based on 70 percent of the sample)

An estimated $3.1 million goes directly to local retailers, service providers and others (based on a partial sample):

Local Employee Salaries (based on 15 respondents): $1.5 million (est).

Local Subcontractor/Part-time Employee Payments (based on 29 respondents): $1 million (est.)

Payments to local service professionals (based on 42 respondents): $316,000 (est.)

Supplies purchased locally (based on 62 respondents): $145,750 (est.)

Equipment purchased locally (based on 55 respondents): $128,250 (est.)

The majority - almost 85 percent - are homeowners.

Just under 60 percent are from Amherst and contiguous towns.

Just under 25 percent are from Northampton and contiguous towns.

Just over 35 percent of the sample are incorporated

The majority - 75 percent - have lived in this region at least 10 years

The largest group - 30 percent - came here between 1986 and 1994

25 percent arrived between 1995 and 2002

Just under 25 percent came between 1980 and 1985

About 20 percent came between 1966 and 1980

Lifestyle, following a spouse, a job or pursuing higher education are the most common reasons for relocating to the Valley

Nearly 40 percent want improved broadband service and 25 percent want increased cell phone coverage

    Articles about Hidden Tech

What Dot Bomb?

Hidden Tech Firms Beyond Silicon Valley

Hidden Tech and the Pioneer Valley: At the Cutting Edge of the Global Internet Economy

read more at http://Hidden Tech.net/

    Hidden Tech's First Anniversary Bash

View pictures of the Hidden Tech First Anniversary Event.



A Study of Burgeoning Tech Locations Across the United States

With the advent of the Internet/Web, it's no longer necessary to locate in a known tech center. IT professionals and entrepreneurs are setting up shop throughout the United States in locations as diverse as Worcester, Mass., Boise, Idaho and Tucson, Az.

Village Ventures researchers have compiled information on 101 communities across America that are avidly growing tech economies of their own. We used that information in our study and analysis of these places. Whether you are an educational institution, foundation, technology service provider or even another venture capital fund, we can help you locate the communities in the U.S. that are quickly become mini-tech centers. What these small cities and towns have in common is a high level of intellectual capital, large numbers of skilled knowledge workers and a core group of tech companies and entrepreneurs.

We believe our information will provide you, your company or institution with a valuable head start on locating new tech centers and tech professionals.

For more information contact research coordinator, Amy Zuckerman, principal of A - Z International Associates, 2 Teaberry Lane, Amherst, Mass. 01002. 413-253-4124 or azintl@crocker.com.



A - Z International has formed alliances with other consulting groups and experts nationwide who both study and work with Hidden Tech entrepreneurs. Together, we are able to produce the most cutting-edge information on the Hidden Tech economy for institutions, service providers, corporations and associations. The following are some of A - Z International's Hidden Tech partners:

Joel Kotkin is an internationally recognized authority on global, economic, political and social trends. Joel is a Senior Fellow with both Pepperdine University's Davenport Institute for Public Policy and the Milken Institute. Joel is a frequent contributor to the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Forbes ASAP, the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times. For five years he served as the West Coast editor for Inc. Magazine where he continues to contribute regularly. Joel is the author of four books including THE NEW GEOGRAPHY: How the Digital Revolution is Reshaping the American Landscape. Published in November 2000, the New Geography is recognized as a roadmap for cities and regions to become a crossroads for trade, culture and creativity in the new economy.

Delore Zimmerman a founder and President of CEO Praxis, Inc. a community and enterprise development firm that is recognized nationally for working with entrepreneurs, economic development and technology research organizations to create enterprise opportunities in technology and information industries. Dr. Zimmerman's career has focused on the connections between community and enterprise development. He is a Senior Fellow for Community and Enterprise Development at the Denver-based Center for the New West (1996-2002) where he leads the High-Performance Community initiative. The HPC is a strategy development initiative to help communities, regions and states become fast, focused, flexible, networked and global.

Public Relations / Research

Suzanne McGee is a public relations consultant with a solid background in media and analyst outreach, event and conference planning, and trade association member services. Her clients in the high tech, energy, wireless software and tourism industries have in appeared in publications such as Archaeology Magazine, Boston Globe, Boston Business Journal, Computer Graphics World, eCFO, eWeek, Field Force Automation and USA Today. McGee has planned, promoted and supported events and tradeshows in Boston, Los Angeles, New York City and Toronto, Canada. Recently, she publicized an Egyptian tourism event at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City and the opening of the Massachusetts Golf Museum in Norton, MA.

Nancy Shulman is principal of Shulman Research and Sales which provides market research, marketing and sales assistance to businesses in multiple disciplines. Her clients include companies in software development, health care, technology organization, fitness equipment and Hidden Tech. Prior to operating Shulman Research and Sales, Nancy worked in the high tech industry in marketing and sales for Data General Corporation, Quantrex, Interface Group, Tally Systems and Wave Systems. Many of the clients she worked with and sold to included a number of Fortune 500 companies and government departments: Johnson & Johnson, REBI, FDIC, Department of Transportation, DOD, Honeywell, Nations Bank, Akamai, Digital Island, Fortune City. An experienced commercial real estate broker and real estate developer, Nancy developed a 275-acre parcel into a premier neighborhood in southern NH. In addition, she brought Applebees, Lindt Chocolates, Strawberries and other nationally known chains to southwestern NH. Nancy earned a BA from Brandeis University, an MBA from University of Massachusetts, and an MS in Internet Strategy Management from Marlboro College.

Fundraising and Development

Polly Pruneau, a seasoned development professional with more than 15 years experience in non-profit, corporate and academic venues, is the principal of Emerging Light Enterprises. She is a researcher and grants writer with successes on both regional and national levels. Polly creates collateral and strategizes for capital campaigns, planned giving, annual fund and major gifts, and develops and implements stewardship programs. She helped position a major community foundation to be more effective. Polly has additional experience in video, running special events, public relations, community relations, health care educational program development, and marketing collateral including direct mail and business-to-business. She has extensive journalism experience writing for a daily newspaper and being editor of a corporate newsletter which she transitioned to the Web.