green global suppy chain

Luncheon Speaker:

*** William F. Stewart, attorney and author of "Climate of Uncertainty: A Balanced Look at Global Warming and Renewable Energy", has carved a reputable place for himself among those dealing with the climate change debate. He speaks at numerous national forums and his work has been featured by NBC News and the The Wall Street Journal. Until this month, he was Co-chair of the Climate Change/Global Warming Division at an international law firm based in Philadelphia.

His talk will focus on the most profoundly affected sectors of global warming - energy, manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, finance - with insight about what the physical manifestations and likely governmental response will mean to the operations of any business.

*** US Congressman James Gerlach.
*** US Congressman Joe Sestak.
*** Rob Wonderling, President, Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce.
*** Barry Seymour, Executive Director, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC).
*** Bob Carullo, Executive Director, SMART States.
*** Michael Herron, Executive Director, Transportation Management Association of Chester County (TMACC).
*** Gary Smith, President, Chester County Economic Development Council (CCEDC).
*** Jim Lauckner, Innovative Technology Action Group (ITAG).
*** Upendra Chivukula, Deputy Speaker, NJ Assembly.
*** Joe Savaro, NJ Motorsports Park.
*** John Anderson, Mid-Atlantic Hovercraft Ops.
*** Joe Scarpa, Green Paradigm Realty.
*** Peter Angelides, Econsult Corp.
*** Stephen Mullin, Econsult Corp.
*** Scott Cooper, Vice President of Policy and Government Relations, American National Standards Institute,1819 L St. NW, Wash. DC 20036. Former chief lobbyist with a specialty in technology and e-commerce standards for Hewlett Packard Corp.
*** Sarah Harding, Publisher of WTRADE 100 , the premier global magazine that addresses the mechanics of global trade and global supply chain efficiency - media sponsor.
*** Kevin Borras, Owner and Publisher of Thinking Highways North American and European editions (H3b Media) - a media sponsor.
*** John Kelly, a nationally recognized expert in strategy and a technology futurist based in Berkeley, CA.

*** US Congressman Joseph Pitts.
*** Ron Kosh, Vice President, Government and Public Affairs, AAA-Mid-Atlantic.
*** John Matheussen, Delaware River Port Authority.
*** Joseph Balzano, Executive Director & CEO, South Jersey Port Corp.
*** Lisa Morina, Executive Director, Gloucester County Economic Development.
*** Tom Washborn, Manager, Industrial Development, Norfolk Southern.
*** Jack Lettiere, President, Transportation and Management Strategies.
*** George Kearns, Alpha Global Holdings.
*** Andrew Warren, PENJERDEL.
*** Holt Logistics.
*** Vivian Baker, NJ Transit.
*** Heather Dunigan, Wilmington Area Planning Council.
*** Phil Eastman, Manager of Economic Development, PECO.
*** David Welsh, Smart Energy initiative.
*** Jason Ulshafer, Smart Energy Initiative.
*** Jerry Velazquez, President, Triad Associates.
*** Also Invited: Top officials from the US Department of Transportation, National Shippers Transportation Council, American Association of Port Authorities, Connected Vehicle Trade Association and Transportation Management Association.

*** Chester County Economic Development Council (CCEDC)
*** Strengthening the Mid-Atlantic Region for Tomorrow (SMART)
*** Transportation Management Association of Chester County (TMACC)
*** PECO, an Exelon Co.
Host Facility:

*** Penn State at Great Valley
Conference Organizers and Designers:

*** Amy Zuckerman, a columnist for WTRADE 100 with a specialty in climate change and transportation is also the North American Associate Editor and columnist for the North American and European editions of Thinking Highways (H3b Media). She is an award-winning author of 10 book and the first ever award winner for ANSI in Journalism (2001). A noted international trade, global supply and technology/standards expert, as well as former daily news journalist and editor, she has been published in over 100 publication worldwide, including "The New York Times, FORTUNE,, Handelsblatt (in Germany) and most national trade and association publications in the United States that focus on transportation. Her latest book with James Daly is "2030: A Day in the Life of Tomorrow's Kids (Dutton/Penguin Young Readers." She is principal of A - Z International Associates, Amherst, Mass., a content packaging and global strategic marketing business, as well as owner of BrainTrust Editorial.
*** Greg Byrnes, principal of Byrnes Communications in West Chester, Pa., has an eclectic career that includes journalism - 15 years as a reporter and editor for major newspapers including "The Philadelphia Inquirer," and freelance assignments for a wide variety of media, including Philadelphia Magazine, NY Times, KYW-TV, trade publications. Publisher of "Greater Philadelphia: Projects > Markets > Trends > Trendsetters." Byrnes also has 20 years of experience as an economic development professional, including five years as executive vice president and president of the Philadelphia Developers Alliance and 15 years as director of economic development for PECO Energy. Current interests include publishing, marketing and business development.
conference sponsors